Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Sleepy Wrap!

Do you love yours? I love mine

I must admit baby wearing is the newest fad for mommas! However that is NOT why I choose to do it! I went in to this pregnaancy thinking baby # 2 is gonna be just like baby # 1... I mean seriously they are babies how different can 2 babies be?? Oh my, it only took about 24 hours for me to answer that question....
They can be as different as night and day! And my two boys sure are!
My oldest was the most easy going babe you've ever seen. Didn't need to be messed with or fussed over, was content to sit and watch the world go by. My baby on the other hand must be in someone ANYONE'S arms to be content! It took me about 2 days home alone with the two of them to figure out I needed a 
And I found the sleepy wrap!

My O My how we love our Sleepy Wrap! I can tell you that product is named accurately! As soon as I put my little one in it he gets heavy eyes and drifts off to dream land.

It was pretty simple to use, once you get the hang of tying one long piece of fabric around your waist and shoulders! I have to agree with most others that the tighter you tie the fabric around yourself the more secure the baby is going to feel. I made sure the wrap was tied tight and when I pulled on the straps ( before the baby was inserted ) it had a little bounce back to it.

I never felt as though my little one was going to fall out of the Sleep Wrap, or that he was in any way not safe and secure. I have to think he felt the same way, every time he gets a little fussy I put him in the wrap and he imminently calms down. 
Not to mention I can run around like and chase after my crazy little toddler.

Comfort is also high on my list! My back is always hurting me when I have to lug my little kiddos around. I was looking for something that would be easy on my back. And let me say I found it! I carried my babe for 3 strait days in the Sleepy Wrap on vacation a few weeks ago and didn't have a bit of pain. A major plus in my book!

The only down side I have experienced is that being one very long piece of fabric, it is difficult to tie in public. It tends to drag on the ground while you are tying it, and for me this was usually a parking lot. To help remedy that situation however I have started tying it on me before I leave the house to go shopping ect., this works great as once I get to my destination I can just grab the little one out of his car seat and pop him in the wrap.

Great Product I would recommend to anyone who wishes to try their hand in baby wearing!

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