Monday, November 9, 2009

He may be small....

But we still love him!

Today was my baby boys 4 month check up, even though he is a little over 4 months by about ehhhh 2 weeks or so?

~On a side note does that make me a bad parent? With my first child I knew his age by week down to the day. I could spurt out with no problem "Why thank you we think he is adorable as well, and yes he is 23.4 weeks old today!" Ugg I would have to get out the calendar to tell you exactly how many weeks and days this little boy is! BUT I do know that he is 4 months and approximately 2 weeks old... (sigh) Does this also mean if I am blessed with a #3 that I am going to go through his life knowing only his year and approximate month? I believe it is a possibility!


He is 25 inches long 14.5 pounds and I didn't quite catch his head circumference because by this point I was dragging Roo out of exam room 3 gently reminding him for the 50th time that we don't just wander off when Mommy's head is turned.
He is a little on the small side in weight, head circumference and height are doing great going right along the 50%, but weight is going up the growth curve a little slower. The Doctor isn't worried so neither am I!

So after shots, crying, and stickers we headed to the grocery store to get some... baby rice cereal!

Yep, we got the go ahead to start rice cereal whenever we wanted! And to slowly introduce fruits and veggies after we notice he tolerates the rice cereal!
I was originally going to wait until around 5 months to start solids, but I just love and I mean LOVE feeding babies food!!

It went well, we got lots of good pic's and some video and he got more of it down the front of him than actually in his mouth! It was perfect!

Hope everyone else had a great Monday!


  1. Glad to hear all is he is getting to start cereal? Yea...I'll bet he gains quick after that!


  2. Yes we started cereal the day we got the OK from the Dr. and he HATES it... hehe

    So gonna put it away for a few days and try again! Same thing I had to do with my oldest!

  3. little one's growing up fast! Babies make funny faces when you introduce something new to them. Hope you got a shot of the facial expressions!
